Everyday Ghouls and Goblins

Happy Halloween!  The one day a year we get to wear costumes and mask ourselves, pretending to be someone or something else.  Every other day of the year we just wear invisible masks hiding our authenticity…our wholeness.  Even as a child I didn’t care much for this holiday.  I thought it was strange for a kid but the older I got I realized it was my analytical mind trying to find reasons.  I have never been afraid of horror films.  I am not scared of monsters.  I am frightened by much more than witches, goblins, and grave robbers.I am terrified of rejection, criticism, intolerance, ignorance, hatred, and an array of human emotions that create a detachment in our society.  I am crippled at times by failing and never giving my heart completely to another.  I’m paralyzed with anxiety at times, afraid of how humanity has evolved so much metaphysically (in theory) but chooses not to practice fellowship, unity, and peace.  I am not scared of spirits but those folks who are emotional vampires sucking the life from everyone around them.  Who needs a wolf man when depression lurks just around the corner in our world?  Who needs monsters when there are murders, molesters, rapists, and dictators in every country of the world?- See more at: http://www.themastershift.com/everyday-ghouls-and-goblins/#sthash.MshBgRrC.dpuf