The Art of Learning Patience

I was sitting around the pond with a guest yesterday. She was sharing her stories and how she has finally realized that she's a healer. That's all she wants to do. I listened attentively to the things said and not said. Her quiet husband sat on a lounge chair next to her every so often nudging or agreeing with a "yes." At one point she stopped mid sentence, got closer to me and in a very charismatic voice commented, "You are such a patient person for being an Aries." I laughed and said that I didn't have a patient cell in my body. I have to work REALLY hard for it. I shared my recent metamorphosis (without details) in a manner that allowed her to process regardless of religious of spiritual beliefs.  I told her that patience has allowed for incredible opportunities to create depth in my life. She understood as I noticed the change of her eyes fill with Divine light. I expressed that being mindful has allowed me to sense agitation, anger, and a level of awareness that doesn't go directly into judgment or criticism. I am mindful of all emotions and release them. I also know how to process those things that can create turmoil. There's little expectation therefore there is little creation of impatience. However, patience is a muscle. It needs to be worked on and tended to as much as possible (especially if you suffer from the lack of it). Because it is not something that arrives naturally in my humanness I am deeply aware that opportunities arise in order to practice patience.I require peace in my life. Anytime the scales shift to chaos I am reminded that it is momentarily. The impatience creates a depth of mindfulness and allows the search for lessons, instructions and guidance. The minute I stop and step back (sometimes after yelling profanities alone in the woods and kicking a rock) I can return to the equilibrium of a healthy peaceful life. In my imperfections I am aware of my perfections. The walk lighter while discovering that patience is inside of each of us. Just a short reach away!20140425-101423.jpg