The Weight of Data

weightThis morning my beautiful mate expressed to me that he had a hard time falling asleep last night.  I thought it was due to the baby.  It had nothing to do with her. He kept thinking about how much information weighs.  I am in love with a highly intelligent person.  He blows my mind with his thoughts.  Now, this question was not meant to be spiritual.  It was more of nerdy-trekkie-information-age philosophical mumbo-jumbo.  The way his brain works is wired a little different from my release-all-love-all-unicorn-saves-the-world mentality.  He is all military with a take-no-crap attitude.  Talk about opposites attracting: we are the poster models for this cliché.As he continued explaining his theory of how much information weighs, or does not, I had that hippie thought (and Aha Moment Look) that let him know I was having my own epiphany.  How much does information weigh us down?  How much is the weight of our emotional body?  Thoughts weigh us down with such intensity and negativity at times that our bodies are depleted.Information is pure heaviness.  Positive thoughts bring lighter outcomes.  Negative energy is dense and much heavier but can it be measured on a scale?  I don’t know.  Even information on a computer has limitations.  When the brain has had enough of trauma and stress it tends to shut down.  I ended up in the emergency room in January and had a near-death experience because my brain had been weighed down with too much heartache.  Just like that, I was re-booted.  Whatever was holding me with darkness disappeared when I returned.  I was lighter and happier.Matt’s thought processing was weighing him down a lot because he got little sleep.  He is always thinking.  I don’t know how or why.  I tend to quiet my brain when I am overwhelmed.  I either meditate or do something in nature to bring the mind to a point of quietude.  I am not ALWAYS successful but for the majority time I do release.So my question to those who read this is: do you believe information weighs?  Is there a way to release it and store it somewhere we can measure it?  The spiritual body is the lightest body in our earthly existence.  I believe emotional and physical bodies do weigh.  How do we measure thoughts?  By the way we live on the edge.  Can we sleep at night?  Are we addicted to something that has a hold of us?  Are we avoiding living?  A bunch of questions gather tightly in my little brain.  I plan on digging deeper to find an answer to this wonderful thought of his.  In the meantime I don’t plan on losing sleep over it.  I can leave that up to him.