Everyday Awareness

awarenessMy daughter and I went into Asheville yesterday morning.  We stopped at Starbucks and coming out of the car I got caught in the branches of a tree I didn’t even see.  Imagine missing a huge tree!  I felt the leaves caress me, the twigs holding me back, as I pulled away.  It was as if the branches were hands holding me from going inside the store.  A nice man with long braids said, “I see the tree won’t let you go.”  I answered, “It came out of nowhere and just embraced me.”  He smiled showing me a mouth full of gold teeth.  His demeanor was very reggae-casual-whatever in style and I was drawn to him.  He held the door open for us to go in.  I kept looking back and seeing a calming spirit smiling back at me.  He just winked and said, “Now don’t you go fighting these trees here in Asheville.  They are pretty frisky to beautiful women.”  I, in my long tie-dye-hippie-green skirt, short-crop-gray hair standing up, and colorful sandals couldn’t help but laugh.  He was seeing my spirit as mine was seeing his.  If we go by superficial looks there was nothing attractive about me but my smile.I am absolutely absentminded.  A tree has to grab a hold of me in order for me to see that I am under it.   Whenever my mind is swirling in different directions I am oblivious to everything other than Spirit.  At that very moment of impact I was seeing the energy move quickly around me.  I had very little indication that there were any folks around me other than my daughter.  Consequently, my daughter laughed hysterically.  She knows how I see nothing physical when I am in this sacred space of Divinity.  It was hard to sit long enough inside Starbucks drinking a cup of tea.  When I am not feeling well, battling sinus issues, I can’t guard myself from whatever the environment is experiencing with energy and vibrations.  Sounds crazy, huh?  Next time you are in a public place close your eyes and feel with all your other senses.  It is very different than depending on just your sight, perception, and external awareness.Duality and non-duality co-exist in us forming a balance in our lives.  At the very moment I was in Starbucks I could feel the negativity of mass consciousness.  It isn’t always like this in Starbucks.  It comes in clusters.  Energy does tend to do this.  I felt the “vibes” from folks who are superficially living in a state of paralysis, minus the nice man with braids who was long gone before I started sipping my cup. Love is the greatest of all frequencies.  Its vibration and energy expands with omnipotence power.  When we aren’t in that beautiful alignment all we can feel is stagnant energy, negativity and a dense matter that I personally can’t be around.   Even in my oblivious state of physical awareness I was witnessing that “feeling” that wanted me out of there.  You can call it intuition, gut feeling, discernment, innate knowledge or anything else.  We all have it.  If we allowed it to guide us life would be easier.Once I was in the car I was fine.  My awareness was back on the road.  I was able to converse with my daughter.  We laughed.  The moment had passed when I felt an intrusion into my spiritual body.  I am always grateful for the times I can discern and understand that it’s not just me. We are all connected.  Be mindful of the energy you bring into public places.  Kindness and an open heart go a long way.  Being present (which is very hard for me at times) is being mindful of everything around me.  The energy around us is always interconnected, I promise you!  You never know how your body will receive what others are carrying around with them.  If you are lucky enough a tree branch might stop you from moving forward.  Divinity has a great sense of humor.“The Universe contains three things that cannot be destroyed; Being, Awareness and LOVE” – Deepak Chopra