Birth of a Woman

birthWhen a woman is bornfrom the awareness of lost lovehope finds a nest in her heartand memories no longerreside with bitterness.Each turn, curve, and pathbecome the journey towards peacewithout regard of destinationas she arrives there solely through forgiveness. When a woman is bornout of darkness and sorrowDivinity steps in with a golden lanternshining light never seen beforeon the future now guided by wisdom,grace and love. When a woman is bornfrom truth and authenticitythe world respects herand nothing is ever viewed the samebecause it isn’t what is seen with eyesbut captured through heart and soul. Love lies in the self knowledgeof femininity, fertility,and intimacy mirroringin such a way that she doesn't recognizeher transformation…at first. When a woman is bornfrom the frailties of painher angel wings grow wider,her muscles stronger,her heart elongates to touch the essence of God.It is in those moments that all doubts resignand the “I AM” returns to the worldin the form of motherhood to herself.