
 createI am not built for sadness and pessimism. I am not built for judgment, bigotry and hypocrisy. I am built for sunny days, heart shape rocks, long kisses and embraces. I am built for sandals and sundresses and toes wiggling in dirt. I am built for days playing in rivers and creeks searching for treasures and picture taking aha moments. I am created for outdoor days with clouds in animal formation staring back from heaven.  I am fabricated to get lost in my own thoughts, yard, and surrounding areas to then find myself among the mysteries of life.  I am not made for second guesses and distrust that leave me depleted without an ounce of faith. I require a slow ear, a sensitive heart, a light touch and a quick wit to be my lover.  I need nature waking my spirit every day. I need romantic movies, corny cards, scented candles and books that take me places far away and wide into the world. I am made for laughter and sharing over a great cup of coffee, a glass of wine, or a walk in the woods. I am not built for darkness unless it is a night full of twinkling stars staring back from the heavens. I am created for stories, those I hear and some I write. I need poetry echoing back at night from my muse guiding me to reach inside and truly let go.  I was built to have a house full of children and then learning how to let go while loving unconditionally. I need surprises…those sweet godsend epiphanies that curl my emotions into sappy tears of joy. I require God’s presence always with me as I trek on this journey finding the things I still don’t know about myself.  Oh…and I am made for loving you, you and you.creation