Brotherly Love

brothersIf there is ever a doubt in my heart about how I’ve raised my kids I think the Universe allows me to witness firsthand the fruits of my labor.  Motherhood has never been easy.  Parenthood is one of those professions that have no real manual (at least I never got a copy). Each child is different and  guidance is specially designed to that soul.  We are melted and molded together in a kaleidoscope called family.My eldest son was leaving yesterday back to NYC after spending 10 days here.  Even though he got to spend almost every evening with his brother who is 2 years younger, he still wanted to stop by his work one more time and say goodbye on the way to the airport.  It was pouring down rain.  He got out to see him at the hotel where he works.  His brother followed him back to the car to kiss me and say hello.  They stood in the rain once again, two brothers embracing and saying their “I love you's.” When I see that sibling love and respect it melts my heart.  They speak every day.  The older brother has always been the fatherly role to his brother. To witness their adulthood still close as little is heartwarming. With pride in my heart I take a tiny bit of credit for their closeness, always making sure they solved the rivalry and fights teenagers go through growing up.  I did what I could in spite of so many difficult factors and environmental stressors.  They are each others' best friends.  The older they get the closer they become.Once again I collect this moment as a beautiful one adding it to the many magical ones of motherhood.  Watching them stand close to each other and support their decisions, well what more can a mother ask for in this union?   They are pure love and light!If you want to know (or have confirmations) of your parenting skills watch your children interact with one another or with others.  Manners, respect, love, and empathy are born from childhood.  Give yourself a huge pat on the back.  You got this.  You taught them well…and the rest has been the grace of God.