Let Your Life Speak

Let your life speak,not by the words you usebut by the actions you takewith everyone you touch.Let the journey take youbeyond here,the everyday problems,moments of angerwhile teaching youthe value of reality,and what God wants for you.Let the mysteries engulf youas each destination comes closerto your reach with compassion.Remember it isn’t the final goal conquered,but how you reached it with dignity,faith, inner strength, andwithout fear.Gather your lessons in a basketand touch them,feel their hurt,their humiliation,their doubts,their triumphsand their joy.Witness the opportunities for each obstacle.Allow yourself to savor each past momentthen place the basket in a safe placeand live each moment anew.Let your life speak loudwith laughter, love,and a deep understanding of what is important.Learn to unlearn old behaviorsin order to make way to new lessons.Let your example say to the world,“I am here to love, learn and give backas I walk in the footsteps of the Divine.”