Understanding this Universe

I’ve welcomed lightextra early into my roomas sweat pours out of mefrom a full night of humidity.I am struggling to get movingthis morningas I sit up to watch the mountain,the pond dancing with activity,the trees gently moving to a swift windenticing the rain to finally visit.I must go outward into that universein order to find myself inward.I must find the flowof the earthin order to feel my own rhythm.This is joy.  This is full awarenessof my presence.This is the mythical “contentment”I read about all those yearswhile searching for “happiness”inside of books.This is what I believed was a fantasy,fairy folk tales the mysticswrote about in simplicity….“live in the now and find joy.”Here I sit,body tired and worn out,a restless night without surprisesbut looking at my landscapethe myth has become reality.Here is the reason I exist,and the result of finallysurrendering.The journey beginsagainone more timewith the understandingof my purpose in this worldas I allow the dayto take me whereverit wants me to go...As I breathe Spiritconsciously into my lungsand exhale outinto the vastness of spaceI get to callmy fairyland forest.