Dance of Life

There's a vastness,hollowness,waiting to be discovered,uncovered through lack of substance,control or restrictions. It is in this spacethat one's bulk reachesthe coreof who and what we arewhile not feeling the needto fill it constantlywith factors of superficiality. I used to waitfor a miracle of anotherto create a fullnessthat was never meant to be an externalor internal source of dimension.And, in this spaciousnessthe universe lies completelysheltered by spirit,engulfed by expansion of cosmic energy. I am alone but not of loneliness.I am empty but not of vacancy.I am light but not over-exposed.The range of all is infiniteso we can all meet at any timethrough the everything of life. Let go of the illusion,diminish the fear,and travel through the light of love and joy.A touch from you opens the portal.A word ignites our immortality.A look exchanges the energy to all humanity.We are here together. We are always connected.Be mindful that you,me, and them are the spheres of divinityin this dance of lifeand every single moment matters.