Architect of Dreams

imagesThere is an abundance of wishes and dreams out there for the taking.  If you haven’t visualized or expressed your goals and dreams to the Universe, don’t complain.  Don’t make excuses for not allowing the flow of dreams to appear into your life.  You and the Universe are the co-creators of your life. You are the most powerful genie in the world.Five years ago, in the midst of a horrible break-up, I began a visualization-map-questing-dream journal.  In this book I pasted pictures of things I wanted in the future.  Most of them were of a small retreat center in the mountains.  I had no idea how I was going to buy the place or what state it would be in. But, I gathered all types of magazines from Oprah’s O to log cabins and outdoor activities.  I carefully placed these visual guides inside pages and then wrote out what I wanted, but as if I already had it.  I created powerful intentions. For example, instead of writing “I want a home in the mountains” I wrote, “I live in the mountains and have a retreat center that provides relaxation, healing and peace for all those who enter.”  I even put the name of this retreat in the book.  I added events and activities such as hiking, fishing, hammocks in the woods, chairs by creeks, yoga, labyrinth, etc.   I loaded the journal up with pictures, inspiring quotes, words, events, and exact notes of what I also did not want. I have learned that the Universe will also give you the things you don't want. My dream was to be able to map out this place and let God guide me there.  A year later, while on vacation with my best friend, we stayed in this little motel in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  The place was for sale.  Two months later we were living here.  I had put my journal of dreams away. When I began to unpack boxes I found this visual guide of hopes and desires.  As I flipped through the pages that had been created over a year before, I couldn’t believe that the place we purchased had all the elements I had glued in it.  And, even now four years after being here, I open up the book and find that we are still creating more of the things that had carefully been placed in it.  Once again, without much financial support, we are getting the things I had asked the Universe to provide. I continue to add to this book and make clear intentions of what we want for the future of this little retreat center.We are trained, programmed, and manipulated by society to believe that dreams don’t always come true.  We are impatient in waiting.  So we blame God and the higher powers for not giving us our desires. Well, they don’t come true if you don’t work at it!  You have to visualize what you want and then work towards that goal.  Abundance and prosperity are endless.  Dreams guide us.  The same goes for things we don’t want.  If we are constantly focusing on what we don’t want we will get those things as well. I believe I am a trust-fund baby of the Universe with unlimited abundance. As long as I stay in this frequency there is nothing I cannot manifest. Several years ago the famous little book The Secret hit the bookshelves.  The books sold by the millions.  I was completely surprised.  I was brought up in a house where we all created little poster boards with the dreams we wanted.  My sister had hers in her closet.  I had mine behind the bedroom door.  My mother had hers in her room.  We all had these little visual reminders of things we wanted in the near future.  So, when the bestselling book became so famous I had to ask myself, “Do people not realize that they create their own futures?  Do they not realize that there is an unlimited abundance of dreams out there for the taking?”  I guess not! This isn't a new formula for health, wealth, prosperity, and any desire. This is how we are created!My wish for you, as I am sitting right now observing life outside my window (kids kayaking in the pond while others fish, the mountains in the backdrop, a couple drinking their coffee in our red chairs, someone meditating by the picnic tables) is that you awake to the truth that YOU create your future. There's no magic genie, saint, or man in the sky that chooses what you can have in life. YOU are the creator, maker, and magnificent architect of your life's plan. I hope you map out the things you want and work towards those desires. And, if by chance you have no clue of what you want then make a list of things you are grateful for everyday.  Be present in your life.  Be honest and be aware of your actions.  Use your creative gifts to gather pictures of things you like. Be kind, generous and have an open heart.  Where there is passion, God follows.  Divine intervention is always there with you, checking off the things your mind creates.  Stay in a place of divine light, joy, and love. From that place of giddiness the child in you can play and manifest. Be careful with your thoughts! Choose wisely and have fun!

"You will get what you want, when you stop making excuses on why you don't have it." Author Unknown

I would visualize things coming to me.  It would just make me feel better.  Visualization works if you work hard.  That’s the thing.  You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.” Jim Carrey