Changes in the Season

PQR in the FallThe other day, on a rare hike in the morning, I was observing the fall colors and how some trees have changed quicker than others.  They all know their rhythm.  Nature has its timing.  I often wonder if there is a stubborn tree out in the forest that says, “I ain’t changing!  I am staying green.  I’ve decided this year to surpass all the seasons and just remain still. Y’all go ahead and do your thing.”   There isn’t.  Nature has a process and the trees, soil, leaves, water, and everything else complies.  They don’t question change.  We do.  We fight as long as our egos can dictate.How many times don’t we resist?  And as that old saying, “What we resist persists!”  Our human nature is to make things more complicated, to question all, and to resist against changes.  It would be too easy to just go with the flow.  It is always difficult to battle with resistance from our human perspective.  Our ego’s main job is to make certain that we continue to fight.  What we want is not always what completes us.  We seem to deviate from our original wants and then blame the universe for not getting what we think we deserve.In my walk I noticed that some trees have not only turned bright red, but others have already lost all their leaves.  The fall season has arrived early this year in the mountains.  It also began extra early in me.  I tend to start going inward as the cold sets in.  I don’t like winter.  I don’t enjoy a single minute of it…the gloominess, the short days, the freeze, the moving inward.  I just don’t like where it takes me.  I need sunshine, being outside, and interacting with the earth.  I understand that I need the time to slow down and take care of me.  I get the whole philosophy about seasons changing.  It doesn’t mean I have to like it.  I tend to resist everything about having to move inward.We spend our lives not feeling the truth of who we are, and not really knowing consciously what we want.  When we come in alignment with our desires through Divine wisdom we must take a look at the reflection realizing that whatever we manifest is exactly who we are meant to be. This year I plan on being extra gentle with myself.  I hope you follow your heart and wishes to comply with the rhythm of the earth this season.  Fall is beautiful.  It allows for letting go (without resistance) of the old just like the shedding of leaves.  Have a blessed day!