
face_black_and_white_optical_illusion_cool-s453x562-92306-5803I had several dreams last night. Each time I was finishing one I would say to whoever was in the dream the same sentence, “The distance between worrying and reality is called perception.” I have no recollection of the dreams. I do have the quote imprinted in me because it was used many times. The line between fear, anxiety, stress and worrying is definitely a matter of perception. Reality is an illusion. When we finally let go of the belief that we have control the Divine steps in and aligns us with the best possible solution. Our higher selves begin to guide us and we allow for it. We release the doubts, discontentment, and disillusions that we can conquer everything by manipulating it. The veil of “what if” turns into a welcoming “what really is.”  A shift in consciousness is all that it takes...sometimes a lot easier than done.  It takes practice and every once in a while knocking the ego out of the way.These dreams allowed me to wake with the knowing that the stress I've had has been a production of my perception. No doubt that the challenges have been real. No doubt that the heartache has been felt. No doubt that I have entertained the drama while knowing better. But, once I am aware of my perception I can relax and enjoy what's ahead.Have a great weekend, my friends. Release, recharge, and retreat! Love and light....Millie“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”~ Wayne W. Dyer“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception." ~ Aldous Huxley