The Brokenness is Good

crayonsThe other day at a store I saw a sign that read, "Even broken crayons still color." I had to stop for a second...or two...maybe a few minutes pondering on that statement. I stood there in a busy isle of a department store taking up space with my eyes closed as I repeated each word out loud.  It was one of those powerful AHA moments that anyone can witness looking at you.  I was having an epiphany and two other ladies in the same isle stood staring at the same sign.  And, even though none of us spoke, we each took with us something from those words.How many times haven't we shattered into million pieces? How many times haven't we believed, in that state of desperation, that we have no shine; that we aren't worth it; that life is over in that brokenness? Those small fragments in us mend and expand; they break and create new extremities to bridge the old with the new. They make us stronger, wiser, and graceful. They force us to reinvent ourselves, forgive, and learn to play. I, for one, am grateful for those broken pieces...all the tiny ones that can be picked and put together to create a new life. They have allowed my colors to bleed into other brighter ones and combined to make new hues so I can go out into the world and paint for me.I left the store without a single item.  I left with the quote imprinted in me.  As I was walking out the door there were coloring books on display with boxes of crayons.  I smiled.  I courageously walked with my head held high.  I’ve been just like those coloring books for so long…restricted to lines and rules of social expectations.  Now I am ready to paint the world in a different light no matter how small or large the breaks are in the future.Paint your world today with those little pieces you think of discarding! Color, laugh, cry and rejoice for being the most perfect version of you.  You will be made whole again. You are bright, beautiful very creative! Mucho love in this beautiful holiday week.  Give yourself the gift of exploration and play. Don't keep putting it off!!!