Spiritual Thank YOU's!


I am at a loss for words…that’s rare for me!  I am sit writing this with tears flowing for gratitude, humility, and a deep awareness.  The Master Shift (www.themastershift.com) posted my article on “Spiritual Direction” yesterday.  I did not know that the article would reach so many people with similar issues.  I have never had the amount of personal emails, FB private messages on Peaceful Quest Retreats and calls as I have over an article.  I am stunned!  I have had a downpour of support, stories, and gratitude for something that I didn’t find so profound because it’s my life.

Tomorrow is an incredible milestone for me but it’s really just a personal moment of acceptance that a year does make a huge impact in our lives.  The amount of beautiful and sad stories shared because of my experience has deepened me.  I am aware that we are consciously shifting and at the same time lacking some direction for the meaning of life.  We are constantly sitting on the sidelines hoping someone will take us throughout own destinies.  It's incredible. This morning I found the above poster by Osho.  I was moved again by the synchronicity and timing.

I write from my heart letting you know from my small experience that you should not just survive life while expecting something to finally happen. Make something happen of your timeline. It's a privilege to be alive. Most people sit back and become spectators of their lives. Be your own cheerleader and participant of your path. Stand up and cheer in those happy moments. Dust off the sadness because it's an opportunity to feel and learn from it. We are made of duality. Forget what happens after you die. Make this journey awesome. Believe me...no one sits on their last breath and thinks of why they didn't finish school, why they didn't acquire enough money, or why they didn't buy that over-sized house to impress another. No one sits and wonders about the mundane parts of materialism. The dying sit wondering why the heck they spent so much time worrying about senseless things and not more time loving, accepting love, and traveling the adventure of life with joy. They think about their souls not having more time with their loved ones. They think about how years have moved in a blink of an eye and all the things on a bucket list seem senseless at that moment. They regret not reaching out, not forgiving, not forgetting and not joining the tango of living with full capacity to evolve spirituality. Be alive! In the struggle of acceptance remember that you are here and that this too shall pass! Find a spiritual practice that suits you whether it be through prayer, contemplation, yoga, hiking, meditation, writing, painting, singing, or anything that lifts your essence to rise above your humanness.  Join hands with your spirit and dance to whatever brings you joy!

I often times question the why I continue to write.  A part of me sometimes thinks it is senseless crap to be pouring out my experiences with strangers.  And, then something like this happens and I say to myself, "I am a writer.  I tell stories.  It matters very little if someone understands this struggle of mine with writing...but I want them to know they are not alone in this journey of life."  I recite this often.  I am here.  You are there…but together, Ohhhhhh, we are traveling in this beautiful experience of life!

Thank you all for the words, the emails, and the outreach that has given me hope, joy, and strengthened my love for this world.  I love you.  I might not know you in a physical form but my love pours out in each word.  Have a blessed day!