The Gift of Love

tunnel-to-spirit-realm“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”~ Stuart Chase

My father came to visit me two nights ago.  He’s  dead for over 15 years.  The only other times my dad has visited have been significant in guiding me or preparing me for some extraordinary change in my life.  The uneasiness and restlessness that’s been mounting in me was confirmed with his visitation.  I don’t normally write about my spiritual gifts.  It is still a subject that brings up judgment, intolerance and disbelief in many. I do believe that in order to express how I see things it is important to share my stories. Many people feel alone in these “crazy evil visions.” They feel scrutinized, judged, labeled and loathed. It was just a few years ago that I began to share with others because I, too, felt the criticisms which then brought on a magnitude of self-loathing.  I don’t find the need to apologize any longer for what was bestowed on me through beautiful gifts since I came into this world.  I cringe at the labels society places on humanity for things they fear and refuse to understand.  My life is sweeter now that I can share.  I have less anxiety and fears. I don’t feel alone in this journey.  And, if you are reading this and have similar experiences please KNOW that you are not alone!  The world is shifting.  Consciousness is finally awakening to mysticism and love is the key that’s unlocking all the prejudices.  Once again with my dad’s visitation I felt the sweet endearment as I heard his clear whisper in my left ear, “Es tiempo, Nena” (it’s time child). I was tucked into bed and slept like I haven’t in long time. 

The last time I heard those words I was on the other side of the realm, between here and now, in a hospital bed on January 15, 2014.  I didn’t see a tunnel or lights or loved ones.  I didn’t see Jesus, Buddha, or any great masters.  I didn’t see anything but a bright light of Oneness that embraced my soul.  I didn’t have a body.  I didn’t fear or cried or asked questions.  I stood in whiteness of universal presence.  I was in the midst of love through a magnifying lens that erased every conceived notion of what I thought death was.  I don’t know how to describe what I saw because words here in our human existence do no justice to the purity and love that I felt.  I wanted to stay.  I didn’t think about my loved ones.  I didn’t analyze life or death.  I was just there until I heard my father come into this space and whisper those words.  Then I saw him briefly.  My consciousness argued with him about returning to my human space.  I didn’t want to leave this magnificent place of love and light.  Had anyone else showed up I think I would have pushed them out of the way, bullying my way into the rest of my dying journey.  But, my Papito came and told me it was time to return.  I had things to do.  I had a reason to continue living. In a quick moment I returned to my body.  Just like that I was no longer in that love.  Just like that I was thrown back into a place of humanness.  But…that calls for another story and another day.

Lately, my meditations have been on love.  I begin expanding my heart, breathing in and out light, while traveling through places of love: past, present and future.  I send love and healing thoughts to those close to me. I continue expanding outward to those who are no longer in my immediate circle.  I further expand into the world to strangers in every nation. I finally end the travels when I am in space looking down at our blue and green magical planet. This meditation can last hours at times.  I lose track of time in the middle of the night.  In the midst of my heart expanding I begin to feel that light that I was in when I died.  I feel the essence of something that connects each one of us.  I begin to feel peace, forgiveness, compassion, sorrow, joy, empathy, and every emotion tied together.  Sometimes I release with a deep cry and other times I smile with my heart.  Hard to tell what happens when I am in the depth of Oneness traveling through universal consciousness.  I can’t explain it!

My dear father’s visit brought up something mystical again in me.  He was an absent person in my life. Do to his humanistic qualities of narcissism and egotism he did what he needed to do in order to survive his journey.  We all do! He was a gentle soul but a gypsy at heart.  He was here and there and everywhere the wind blew.  I have a lot of gifts from my father.  The most important one is forgiveness.  I don’t think he ever carried resentment or anger towards another.  He was just in his own world living life to the fullest.  His heart was opened so widely that he had several massive heart attacks and countless surgeries.  So when I go into meditation with my heart opening and expanding I make sure to say a little prayer about not needing a heart attack to open it even wider.  I’m conscious of the powerful mind, body and spirit experience.

It is rewarding to get a visitation from a loved one.  I am not the Long Island Medium, or John Edwards, or any of the folks out there that we witness on television.  I am just a Hispanic woman living on top of the mountains in North Carolina minding her own business.  Sometimes I am bombarded by loved ones before I even meet the person that the message is for.  It happens a lot in our busy season.  I am not a medium.  I am not psychic. I don’t read the Tarot, a crystal ball, or anything other than the light of love and the messages it provides. I am here to give a message if need be and move on.  I am a facilitator between the veils of what we all see and what we choose not to.  The spirit world is right next to ours.  The rarity is that I get messages for me from my loved ones.  It just works out that way.  To have a visit from my dad was beautiful.  I was able to snap a picture of my room in that moment when the orbs were all around me on the bed.  I was touched again by love through his words, the smell of his cologne, and the warmth of fatherhood.  It is in those moments that I feel the energy of our connections.  We are all one.  We are all here and there.  There is no death or finality.  There is only infinite love.  Embrace it!  I love you.  I love you.  I love you all!