
tapestryWe exist woven togetherin consciousnessthrough fibers of timefilling each crevice with memories of a billion lives. I listen to each pull,each passing of thread,connecting us allwith intricate designingcarefully maneuvering the dreams,lessons, and purpose of humanity.This is perception,the reality of you and meintertwined to make authenticity...open up belief...instill faith... and ... whatever else is of importance.What is it? What do you see?Which stitch makes you part of this tapestry? Like a Monet painting we must stand further from illusion admiring the impressionsbecause when we are too closewe cannot see anything but distortionand truth somehow disappears. We are infinitely tendedto the constant careof creationthat has put us togetherwith the only priceless material available to all:The oneness of Love.