Center of the Cosmic Universe

cosmic universe

Every once in a while in the middle of an ordinary day there is an arrival of an extraordinary gift.  Visiting with a friend’s father at the VA Hospital today allowed me to witness humility and the reasons we are on the brink of a true spiritual evolution.  This sweet man, 78 years young, says that Gerton is the Center of the Cosmic Universe.  He lives down the street from us in our little town of Gerton, NC.  Yesterday when he shared the phrase I was intrigued to return and ask why he thought that.  In the middle of getting blood work done, an IV being installed and other tests and interruptions I courageously asked the question: “Why do you think our place is the cosmic center of the universe? You had me wondering about this since yesterday.”

In his quick wit and cynicism he answered, “Well now, sweetheart, me and some buddies were drinking and playing out back and, drunk as a skunk, I said… ‘well, I be darn, this must be the cosmic center of the universe.’ I didn’t have any real spiritual awakening or none of that.  I was just plain drunk!  I wouldn’t read too much into anything I say…!”  He began to eat his lunch.  I sat back on the chair and stared into his gray-blue eyes and saw the deception and avoidance of truth. The man is pure wisdom and extremely intuitive.  I know my peeps!  I know the ones who hide behind the sarcasm to protect their gifts.  I have that gesture and avoidance down pat.  It's been a work in progress of releasing the fears of judgment from those who fear life themselves.

“Darling, you have an amazing story to go along with this coined phrase of yours.  If not here, then when you get home, you and I will sit and further investigate this profound awareness of the cosmos.”  He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes, and said it was a date.  I could almost see his heart skip a beat with joy.

We are connected in ways that open through a simple word or phrase. Words are powerful. Knowledge is what moves us to expand our conscious awareness.  I have had many nights of profound awareness sitting on my deck and staring up at the heavens.  I have witnessed mysticism and secrets while staring at the fresh mountain sky. I have experienced the universe move me inside and outside of this realm. There is no obstruction of lights or smog where we live. There is a purity that I haven’t found in many places.  Gerton is indeed a place of tranquility, healing and enchantment. My sweet friend has been living here forever.  He has seen and felt those things we dare not share with others for fear of judgment and criticism.  There is a knowing that reflects from his soul.  My heart opens up widely in his presence.  He’s had a few difficult experiences in his life.  Another soul would have checked out but not this man.  He kicks some butt.  A true veteran at that!

I hugged him, kissing his soft cheek and told him that he needed to get better so we can converse about those things that pertain to "the other side.” In a moment of curiosity before I headed out I asked when he got an electronic heart valve.  He shared that it was 6 years ago.  I asked if it was right after his wife died.  He said it was the spring right after.  “Your heart literally broke, huh?  All your sorrow slipped out of from there.  You couldn’t hold it in anymore.  Something in you is still a bit fractured.”  He smiled with sensibility and said, “You got it.  It DID break!  It is still broken.”  As the nurses continued to come in and out I decided it was my cue to leave until we meet again.

Our stories become the core center of our cosmic universe.  We hold it all in until we can no longer allow for it physically.  His stomach ulcers and other minor issues remind him of a life lived with sorrow and resentments.  I get that part.  But, holding his hand before I left I realized that today he became the cosmic center of my universe through the gift of vulnerability and love.  And, for this, I will be forever grateful on my birthday week.