Serenity of One

Hush.  shhh!Listen. ahhh!Honor this moment in time.Silence is my companionechoing through the spaceof this house.It sits drinking lightwatching the incense burndancing through its smokefluttering to the candle’s aura.The prayer wheel turns,round and round,circling the world,sending outto the masseswishes of hope and peace.The fireplace crackles,bringing warmththroughoutand I feel the sacrednessloving me gently.In this stillnessthere is absolutecertaintyof blessings,lessons,being.This presence is all there isand I close my eyesto go deeper,infinitely,profoundly,into the abyssof my spirit.With each momentof breath,the heart gently vibratesand I exhaleas awareness takes meuntil I am cradledin the arms of divinityandIfinallybecome...One.