Deduction of Thoughts

Tell me,what was it that you heard:my heart beat thumpingslowly to the soundsof the room,mimicking the a/c;my breath catching upwith a mutual silenceof exhaustionfrom a lover’s marathon;my hands gently strokingthe hairs on your backbringing forward somechildlike memoryyou might had never

known existed?What did you hearin the solitude next to you?Did you hear the depth

of me moving deeper

in gratitude?Did you find me clickinga memory button filingthe moment forever?Tell me what you heardso I can share what I feltas our bodies became

suspended but pressed

into the cold mattress.I heard the rain harder

in my chest; the earth penetrating

against my spirit,

weighing and settling

to this newness.

I’m becoming springinside these spacesintertwining thoughts with

the in and out of you.Did you hear me diggingthrough the rumble ofthoughts, and a mountainof could've been’swhile you transportedyourself to Neverland?

I am water spread on a bed

while you are the container

that houses me in places

I never knew existed.