Go Seek Love

through loveLast night I had a remarkable dream. I dreamed that I was LOVE. I had no body. I was free like the wind without being able to hold on to anything. But, I was LOVE. I had no judgment, intolerance, bigotry, or negativity. I was just LOVE. Every person who came in my proximity felt me, sensed me, but couldn't explain their openness and divinity that allowed light to penetrate without a single rejection, opinion or heartache. It was just love. Because I was like the wind, they couldn't hold me. Because I was vastness, they couldn't contain me. Because I was invisible, they couldn't judge. I was able to mold into their souls and radiate truth of self-worth, authentic power, and appreciation for humanity. It was mystical. I fit inside every spirit and still had unlimited abundance of love to give. I was endless. I was the energy of the cosmos. And, in a moment of truth...while giving to those who forgot their love, I lost myself and became my human form again. I returned to my body while holding on to a homeless man begging on the corner of a busy street. He and I wept allowing the simple truth of our humanness. We are forever connected through LOVE. We are divine beings who have forgotten our worth and how much we are affected by each other. In our consciousness we know that love is the origin that seeds us all together, planting hope for our future. But, we have forgotten how to portray this to ourselves.  We have become stagnate in thinking that loving ourselves too much is selfish.  It's not.  It's imperative.  How can we love another if we don't value ourselves to the most ultimate level?  How can we give if we don't own it?  Go seek love inside.  Go seek love in yourself and truly see the beauty that you are.  I love you. I love you. I love you with all that is truth, magical, faithful, and instrumental to your existence. Know your worth! You are powerful. We are connected through this lifeline of goodness. Remember! Don't run away from it. Embrace it...and return to LOVE! Most people close up because they've been hurt.  The hurt comes from expectations.  But, when you truly love another you have no expectations.  You accept their greatness and those things that do not resonate in you.  We learn from these challenges.  The thought that you are alone is an erroneous perspective. It's an illusion. Breathe and feel your heart expand and connect to all there is. You are the ALL!  Together we are ONENESS!