You are the secret

holding_a_key_by_johnkyo-d39g8qrYou want to know a secret? You have all the answers to your life. You can sit in silence and speak to your higher self asking for guidance. I get folks calling, texting, and emailing me for answers to what is already fully available in them. I am not giving them anything they don't already know. Sometimes people just want permission from another to go through a change. At other times the crude reality of difficult decisions is too much to handle alone. BUT...but...YOU hold all the answers to your present situation. You get to mold your future.  

We go to counselors, therapists, fortune tellers, religious leaders, gurus, and any one out there with a spec of hope. We give another person the right to tell us what we need to do. We give them our power while diminishing our own guidance. YOU HOLD THE SECRET TO YOUR LIFE. No one else can tell you what needs to happen. We do want confirmation. We do want to know that we are acknowledged and understood. We do want to know that we are not alone on this journey. This is the best part of a support system, but ultimately YOU HOLD THE POWER to your story.If you continue listening to others' opinions you might be directed in the wrong path. Listen to your gut. Pay attention to your intuition. If it feels wrong...IT IS! If it feels great follow that. You don't need me or anyone else telling you what to do.I am here to listen when I can. I am here to allow you to go through the process of figuring things out...but DO NOT expect answers that you know deep within. I will not tell you what you should do because it isn't my business to do so. I can give you suggestions, examples of how I've lived through similar events, but you can't hold me responsible for your decision making. I don't know anything but my own guidance for me.  YOU HOLD THE KEY to everything in your life. Use that key to find the right lock and discover your authentic power. You got this!