To the Yesers and Dreamers

creationsI believe in fairy tales and happy endings. I believe in magic and the power to create all my dreams with enough zest and focus to light the path ahead. So when the world tells me that I “can't believe in what doesn't exist” I laugh. I giggle, disconnect from what is being said, and truly feel sorry for the person saying this to me. I can believe in whatever I want. That's my right! There's enough nay-sayers in the world. We need more yesers. We need the dreamers and misfits to stand up and show another side of creation. We need the writers, artists, creators, musicians, and sculptors to stand up and say, “See...there IS enchantment and magic and it comes from divine source.” We don't need anymore negativity. There's an over-abundance of that. We need the yesses, the of-course-we-cans, the I-done-it-before-and-will-do-it-agains, the nothing-stops-me-dreamers, the watch-me-take-notice-and-learn-not-to-give-up-on-fairytales folks..... We need a bunch of those to override the darkness that has been instilled in our world and paint it bright. Because...because...I do believe that we have the power to change everything in our lives. This takes work and most people don't want to stay on path of dreams. It doesn't happen over night and it requires positive energy. You need faith and trust and a willingness to go into the unknown. But, you can do anything that you want. Your mind is connected to Source and everything you desire. I strongly believe that we can shift consciousness and awareness to show the world the magic wand that God gave us: LOVE....The love in thy self; the love towards a stranger; the love for life; the love for dreams; the love to heal; and the love to manifest your deepest desires. Use it wisely and with the biggest open-heart available. This is the secret of creation. Use it to mold and shape the life you want. You got this. Stop believing what others tell you that you can't accomplish. Show them through allowing, creating and receiving! You really have nothing to prove to another but yourself. Don't stop your dreams to make another happy in their disbelief. Misery loves company but you don't have to entertain it.  You can choose to live in your own happy-ending-story!