Letting go of old

onenessHello dear sweet friends. I wanted to share something I have been seeing from so many of you. I keep hearing of major life changes, de-cluttering, transformations, and the shift of paradigms and beliefs.A small death has taken place inside of me (and many of you as well). I don't know when it has happened in the past 12 months but it did. I believe it was a gradual demising. I don't think it was suddenly because I would have noticed. I hate to label it as the "death of ego" but all that it entails has allowed me to surrender and feel comfortable in my own skin, in my choices of life, and the decisions I am making for the future. I am letting go of so much these days. It isn't just the material world, it's also the need to make sure everything and everyone around me is okay. I don't have the passion to fix anyone just so I don't see their hurt. No one is broken. No one needs fixing. I am only responsible for me.I can see the profound expansion of lessons throughout others. I see it in their eyes, their touch, and their silence and I am able to sit with them. I am able to get angry and allow the emotions to come out in a healthy way in my own life.. I am able to laugh uncontrollably and feel orgasmic joy for an entire day. I keep meeting folks who are also transitioning into the death of ego and the illusion of social self-worth expectations. It's magical. I don't quite know what's going on with this mass conscious shift but I am enjoying the journey. I am not alone. This makes it even more precious!I love the conscious birth of acceptance. I love how being present is by far the most amazing form of BEing. I love how I can now sit and watch nature for a long time without the need to do anything else. I love how I have given myself permission to rest. I love how I don't have to expect things to just fall quickly. I am learning that patience is not so much a virtue but a reality of living this moment. I am embracing faith and the Oneness of the universe. I am allowing my thoughts to move through and not obsessing over every single thing the mind insists on entertaining. The ego is a mastermind in manipulation. I am deeply aware now when it starts the drama. There are days it requires more attention and I am allowing those to come and go with much closure. I will never be empty of all. I am learning that this is also part of the journey.This death of ego-self is unrecognizable to anyone else. I am certain others don't see the change, like when I lose or gain weight. Or when I color or cut my hair. Or even when I wear make-up. The death of my egotism is not noticed because it's subtle. There is a lack of judgment. People know they can share something with me because I am not here to judge them. But they don't see that as the death of my old self. This type of death is best describe as a true awakening from the illusion of reality. And, I am grateful to have so many others, such magnificent like-minded brothers and sisters who are in these moment of transcending from what we see and where we are going to end up. We need each other. We don't need the constant ego-chit-chat but we do need to love one another in a way that allows the universe to heal.Thank you! You are not alone on this journey. I see you. I feel you. I love you!