Dangling String of Hope

 little boyI looked for youbut didn’t findthe little boywho loved meso I grabbedwhat seemedthe last piece of hopeleft in a stringoutsidefrom your soul,reeled it in,fighting the holdof desperation pullingfrom another side. I hung steadfast,gasping,praying,gripping with all of meand my connectionto omnipotenceso you can finallybe at peacewith what is realin this worldyou chose to partake in.  You are lostin an endless mazeof poor judgmentbut I will get to your spiritas I pull harderon that stringto bring you to the lightof love,compassion,and truth.  I believe…for you and me.Let that string keep danglingand I will continueto pull you backin the lighted path of Divinityeven if it takesa lifetime to holdonto that tiny thread of hope.