Believe in your truth

When someone says that you are impossible, unlovable, not worth anyone's time...anything negative or degrading...please believe them. Believe what they say to be true to THEM. Believe that in those words they are showing you a part of their own ugliness and insecurities. Also believe that they aren't worth your time. Those who say they are brutally honest can be brutal bullies. DO NOT own what they not inhale it into your spirit. You do NOT acknowledge any of it because it's not your truth. Don't take in the lies. You know your authentic self better than anyone else. However, DO remember what they tell you, forgive them and get rid of the negativity. You DO NOT need that toxic energy in your life. You are magnificently beautiful. Never let another person's bullshit become yours. We are all struggling in our own ways and it takes a hurt person to hurt another. Compassion and kindness are contagious. Show them what that looks like...always. Success isn't about's about living your life with integrity, love and truth! 10325705_551535815004651_4717883437523190498_n