You are not Alone

 aloneThere is nothing wrong with admittingthat at timesthis is much to bearand you must fall on your kneesto let it out,in a sigh or a crybecause being alone is part of our existence.All the materialism,collection of people,obsessions and addictionscannot replaceor mendthat space you haveopened to Spirit –the awed-nature awarenessthat says, “Hello, look at me,”when you feel deserted or forsaken.Allow it. Surrender.You are not alone.This journey is existential in natureand its path is lighted by sacredness.Sometimes the ache is profound and it comesdeep from Greatnesswhile you say,"Let it go. Make it go away."Beg, plead and negotiate.It does no justice to that space,to the ache from the beyond.The heart knows nothing of negotiations;it is driven by a vast and endless force.Tell me what drives this alienation to such intensity.Let me hold you and help you in your need.You don't need to be alone--you are not alone.I may be able to hold your hand,make you smile,and when I leavethe emptiness will visit againuntil you don’t feel its desperate claws.You will sit with it and love itas you reach the beauty in yourself.I cannot fix this.  You don’t need anyoneto try and mend the process of your rhythm.This ache and withdrawal goes unnoticed by othersbut it is there peeking,poking, projecting and protrudinguntil it surfaces again and again.Don’t question your faith.Forgive yourself for anything and everything.Question You and what You need to learn from it.Then again,don't question a thing.Let it subside on its own.Be aware of any pain,control, the illusion of separationand dive into the wisdom it creates.Be thankful for itbecause it meansthat you are alive.It means you are never alone.It means….you are filled with creation!