Mastering the Art of Humility

humilityIt is easy to love those who fall into our way of thinking, accept us for who we are, and coincide with our perspectives.  The challenge in loving unconditionally is accepting those who hurt us deeply.  There is a humble skill in not allowing the ego to enter self judgment.  Loving those who are easy to love does not provide the lessons in forgiveness, compassion and letting go.  It is the vengeful, the enemies full of anger and despair, betraying our trust who push us to search for the humility in love.Sometimes turning the other cheek seems like a weakness.  Sometimes it is the only thing one can do while embracing the silence of surrendering.  When we are in the presence of someone who hurts us it is a divine lesson.  It is impossible to see it this way when the pain and betrayal inflames the ego forming judgments.  It is heartbreaking, heart-wrenching, and despairing.  I am learning to see those folks as treasure givers.  They allow me to go within and see parts of myself I don’t really like.  These people become teachers in an intricate path of progress and a spiritual understanding of compassion.Love has a million words, emotions, and theories.  It is attached to religions, politics, passion, relationships, and romance.  And, yet, in its simplest terms it is who we are, or should be.  We allow hurt from others because we love them in a way we expect them to love us in return.  Whenever our expectations of our individual realities do not match up this is when we hurt.  We hurt deeply.  The heart begins to expand through each fracture.  It's in those moments that we learn the true meaning of vulnerability and humbleness.  It's also in those moments that we are given the opportunity to rise and expand through consciousness.  We shift, we allow, and we grow in grace through divine connection.Throughout history we learn from the great masters, religious leaders, gurus and humble people how to forgive and love unconditionally.  Some of these masters were no different than us.  The one thing they knew how to do, in spite of atrocious betrayal and unspeakable acts, is an endless understanding that faith in something higher than themselves. They knew that love cured all.I am entering a place of humility with the past and those who have taught me to forgive.  It isn’t pretty.  I am still human and ego plays a huge role when I believe to be right in my actions. I am taking responsibility for my part in all that happens.  I am, after all, the greatest teacher for me.  As I step away from my mind and enter my heart there is a calmness and assurance that it is okay to let go.  It is perfectly fine to step away and allow those folks who believe themselves to be right (because in their stories they are correct).  We have freewill.  We have the ability to rationalize, analyze and move on.The art of humility is not easy. Often times the ego conjures it up as a weakness.  Through meditation, faith and divine compassion I am learning to shut it up and push it out.  May you see those who hurt you as amazing teachers in your journey!  Step back and realize that we are all in each others’ stories.  Some are good and some not so much…!  Ultimately, love allows you to return to the divine you.   Love allows you to be the best version of you there will ever be to walk this journey.