26 Life Lessons to Live By

life journeyLife has a way of providing invaluable lessons that enrich us. Often times we are forced to learn those lessons through pain. Even though there is no life manual out there, we can take a few of our experiences and turn them into a great manifesto. Here are 26 life lessons that express the joy and mysticism in this beautiful journey we get to call life:1. Don't let anyone stomp on your thoughts, dreams or passion.2. Creativity is the sign language from the Divine. Read great books, write your heart out, be moved by films, be touched by music, create from a place that’s raw and awesome.3. Love is eternal. Always keep an open heart.  When the heart breaks it provides a wonderful opportunity to expand as it is healing.4. Laugh as often as you can. Laugh at everything. Humor heals the mind, body and spirit.5. You are the creator of your destiny. Align your thoughts with the universe. You are your own genie.6. Every day is a chance to do it right. Don’t beat yourself up. This shall pass. Give it time and try again.7. Kindness is the key and compassion is the lock to healing the treasures of humanity.8. You must honor you first and foremost.9. Life is a second. Enjoy the journey. It passes quickly. Have no regrets.10. Do nothing. Do anything. But don't complain. Suffering is a choice. You are never a victim. You are a survivor.11. Travel, even if to the next town. Explore your surroundings. Let the outside world be your teacher.12. Anger is a great source of fire, but if not contained, it will burn you. Let it go. Nothing is worth that negativity.13. Forgiveness is not for anyone but yourself.14. Eat with passion, drink wine, and do whatever you want in moderation.15. Don't blend through life. Stand out as you are. You are the best version of you there will ever be. 16. Sleep! Sleep as much as you want. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for wanting and needing rest.17. Let go of what you cannot change: the past, relationships, jobs, memories, control.  Anything that consumes you.18. You are beautiful. No amount of makeup, surgeries or anything can change the light in you. Fill the vastness of emptiness with love for yourself.19. Vulnerability is strength. Allow yourself to fall and ask for help. We are in this together. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders. Some days you are the teacher and other days the student.20. Money is not the root of all evil. It is a great source of energy to use and help others. The more you believe in its magical powers of giving, the more you will receive.21. Fear and control are child-like monsters occupying the darkest part of your psyche. They are not real.22. Live life with all that is meant to be: pure joy, love, and light.23. Judgment is based on insecurities and ignorance. You can never understand another unless you are inside of their soul. This serves no one. Be kind to those you see every day. Notice the drama of life and all its falsehood.24. A compliment to anyone is the best gift you can give them along with a smile.25. Stay present. Don’t let your ego dominate your choices and decisions. Meditate, pray, have a daily ritual that will bring you back to this moment.26. You are a creation of a million cells generating mystical thoughts, powers, and emotions. Treat your uniqueness and honor yourself.