You are the greatest Alchemist

creationSpiritual practice, movement of energy, shifting vibration, prayer, meditation, walking, and journaling are all a few examples of manifesting with intent.  That which we think does become.  In most cases, if we look at past events, we can see that the doing was not the complete outcome of our desires.  Intention was pushing the wishes all along.  The action came after the thought.  Of course, we can have the most magical intentions in the world, but if we don’t put them to work, they will also not take us very far.Often times we experience what we don’t want.  We live out our fears.  We place thoughts, doubts, anxieties, negativity and create those events.  Shifting awareness and thoughts create a different outcome.  We really are what we think!  It sounds like some over-used cliché but it is the truth.  Holding space for your words, be it through morning prayers, journaling, or just sitting alone is a way to alter the vibration of your thoughts.  Being present as often as possible creates a magnetic ripple of delicious effects.I have been to places with a negative person who is constantly in the “woe is me” state of being. It seems that no matter how much I try to bring lightness and joy into the conversation that person can turn anything into darkness.  I have gone to eat at this restaurant a hundred times before and have always been treated with friendliness and southern hospitality.  Now I sit with this person and immediately the service is horrible.  The waitress forgets us, brings out the wrong food, and the food tastes horrible.  What changed?  It is the same thing I always eat.  Energy shifted!  I didn’t honor my food before it arrived because I was in a whirlwind of negative emotions.  I was holding this person’s dreadful negativity in the car, entering the restaurant, and sitting with at the table.  Intention is force, spirit, intensity, and projection.  I stopped being me and took on this person’s emotions.  My head began to hurt, my body felt attacked, therefore my food ended the cycle of these vibrations.  I call these folks emotional vampires.  They create chaos everywhere they go.There’s an old saying that if you want success surround yourself with successful people.  Why is that?  Because the energy they bring to you is contagious.  You begin to feel successful.  Your thoughts change from “I can’t” to “I am successful.”  The simple intent of being in that energy pushes forth the desires, wishes and manifestations.  Any intention, loaded with love and kindness (especially for yourself) will manifest beautiful results. “When intent is rooted in pure love, your dreams will grow and manifest faster than you could ever imagine.”~ Dawn Gluskin.Ask any successful individual what they believe.  They will tell you that they would not settle for anything less.  They “knew” that success was in them; that “knowing” will transform and align you with universal wisdom.  I have also noticed that successful people, who have reached their potential with integrity, are happy individuals.  They have allowed the lessons to guide them.  They have not quit at the first barricade of failure.  They have hurdled right over the wall with certainty and humor.  Happiness, joy, and laughter will always change your mood.  I love people who can laugh at themselves.  I admire their tenacity and sense of worth and their complete gratitude for everything.  Their intention is to live their truth and this is what carries them through their manifestation.   I have also noticed that they live out a mantra.  They repeat these words on a daily basis.  They know the power of thoughts!Success is in each one of us.  We create it with our desires. The secret to traveling the road to all your desires is intention: the intent to do good, be good, share the good and be grateful for having it.  The simple act of voicing your intentions, writing them down, sharing them with spirit, is the foundation of the outcome.  We are the co-creators of our lives.  Be aware of thoughts, words, and the power of your beliefs.  Each thought is connected to another through the greatness of your spirit.  You are a master shifter.  Use that power wisely! “With or without our knowledge, we are all alchemists.” ~ Eric Micha’el Leventhal