Angel Whispers

angel whisperEvery second stories are created by us, for us, with us, and around us. This is life as we inhabit a small piece of real estate in the expanse universe. We are small in comparison to all that is out there. We live among other humans and borrow space from other realms, often times bleeding in and out of their communications. This morning was a perfect example.I got up, nothing different from any other day. As I was putting on my make-up my husband entered the bathroom asking if he was to take our two-year old to the sitter or was I going to do it? I told him I would. He stared for a second, as I was applying my mascara. I stopped, turned to look at him and said, "Happy anniversary!" To which he asked, "How many do we have?"I returned the answer, "As many as possible." Today is actually three years from the day we met. He knows I celebrate anything I can qualify as an stepping stone and a mark in our lives: the first kiss, the first real date, etc. But, today is actually the day we met."Are you okay?" He asked with a concern look, his blue eyes holding on to something deeper than what he was seeing.I stopped. The question halted me into acknowledging what I was feeling in my gut. Something was off and I was thinking before he entered to say goodbye that perhaps I should let work know I wasn't coming in. For over an hour I had this inkling that didn't feel right. I have felt this before but today I was willing to ignore it. "I am fine. Have a good day. See you later.""You sure?" He persisted with his own intuitive nature."Yep!" He kissed us girls and left.I took just a tad longer to get on the road. I was getting ready to get on the expressway when the car in front of me stopped on a screeching halt, me almost hitting it and the car behind me missing me by a hair. We were all going about 45 MPH. A semi flipped in front of that first car (two cars in front of me) causing a giant accident, blocking the highway. And at that very moment I thought, "Okay, I will listen. I will go home after this is cleared up. I now understand. Thank you!"Our guides will provide a small nudge when they want us to be safe. If we don't listen, they will provide a whisper. We can continue choosing to ignore it. Eventually their nudging turns into a scream. It did today. I was too busy having a life to pay attention to that gut feeling that warns me. I know better than this. I can decipher that feeling. The thought came into my mind, "Do not go to work today. Work from home." I ignored it. And...yet...I was two seconds late for what could have been me under that semi because I chose to drop our little girl off at the sitters. No one was hurt. To me it was a warning flash, and a real crash to stop whatever thought I had about being away from home today. I don't need to know why I needed to be home. I trust in the highest form of guidance without having to question this.Stories.... Stories create our psyche, our perceptions, and our lives. I am molded by yours, hers, his, theirs, and mine. The irony of all this is that as I was taking that turn to get on the highway I had one thought, "How much has my life changed in just three years. I don't know what will happen in three more...." Stop! That incident stopped the chatter. It stopped the thoughts from everything. I don't need to know anything.  I just need to trust.  I need to continue walking on faith.  I need to allow my intuition to lead. Gratitude took over. My body received the sweet goosebumps and chills that come from my guides when I am being touched.I share this not because of what could have happened or didn't happen. That's all irrelevant. I share because we need to remember that in this world there are things that cannot be explained. Listen to that small voice within you that whispers truth. Pay attention to signs and synchronicity. Acknowledge the changes in your body and how you react to sudden temperatures. Are the lights or electronics going nutty?  (The radio this morning turned off twice in my car.  No reason whatsoever...and yet I dismissed that too). When you hear that high pitch sound in your ear, that's something above and beyond this consciousness. You are never ever alone. Even the most in-tune person can discard the messages because we are human trying to survive life. Please! Let those whispers from the Divine and guidance lead the way. You got this. Listen closely! You are always loved and cared for...and you are never alone.  Sparkle and light always!