The Deepest Place of Truth

goddess truthI have been through a significant growth spurt lately and I can feel it through an expansion of my heart. I have come to a simple understanding at this age. I am more comfortable with me and how I carry myself. I feel lighter from all the hang-ups, past voices, and self-sabotaging that controlled me in my twenties and thirties. I am living true to myself. I am honest with what I see and how I translate it. I have shredded the labels from society and expectations of how I am supposed to be. I am not so worried about how the information is consumed by another or how they perceive me for that matter. I have also “cleaned house” in relationships, friendships, and toxic emotional vampires.You see, I now know something that my younger self refused to see: truth. You can't know truth until you live authentically to your soul's yearning. You will never know that you have been sleeping until you awake. This awakening is nothing more than the acceptance of everything inside of you: weight, health, humor, sadness, anger, fears, and all the yuckiness that comes with being human. It's all an illusion. When you finally let go of the lies you can learn the truth of happiness, love, and compassion for yourself. When all deception of the ego is gone that's when your true self emerges. I know it's difficult to understand this but it is part of the healing process. The healing part can get nasty. In order to pass from any dis-ease you have to release. Self-hatred is the nastiest of all diseases. Recovery can be a lonely place...but you are never really alone.Unfortunately, we have bought into the programming that we only learn through pain. Pain is only a catalyst from one point to the other. It's like being stuck inside a well and not being able to get out. You see the light up above but you can't climb out. It's only when a rope from above is thrown down that you grab and can get out. That rope is faith. You cannot have faith and fear participating simultaneously. Fear is the act of separation. Fear isolates any kind of spiritual growth. It keeps the ego in business.  Forgiveness is the first step in reaching faith. And, let me explain that this "faith" has little to do with religion.  It is the embodiment of Christ Consciousness and awareness.Who you are evolves from where you are right now at this very moment. Your thoughts, your wishes, hopes and dreams come from that place of now. Until this moment every negative thought has been a deception. Love yourself. You cannot love another if you can't manage to love you with all your light while accepting the perfect imperfections.The truth is that you are a perfect being that has no need for control. You are divine. You are God. You are love. And, most of all you are the only YOU that will ever exist. Everything you've done has brought you here. Choose joy, love and light. You will never know truth until you live authentically. There's nothing in this world that cannot be attained when you are honest with YOU.

Where I've been,

what I've done,

is unimportant

to where I am right now.

Who I've become

from long ago

is irrelevant

to how I am today.

The lessons and experiences,

painful and degrading,

have taught me

the meaning of perseverance.

I am here now,

removing the veil of deception,

completely awake,

while empowering truth

in all I will ever become.

I am finally real.

I am that which is free.

I am the embodiment of perfection.

I am joy.

I am love.

I am light.

I am All.