The Need for Retreating

helping each otherFor several days I've been in a fabulous retreat up the mountain in a place that feels like a tree house. I've laughed, cried, created, purged, shared, listened, expanded, and entertained. I've witnessed magical "aha moments," heard stories of tragic losses, and participated in healing. This is what I know as mystical. I can be in the presence of others and learn something about myself through their mirror essence. Sometimes those things do not happen right there at the moment. They knock in the middle of the night, or even days later. But, I can hold space for someone and not take it in while having empathy and demonstrating them love. I can do this in a way that I extract love and understanding. This is what a retreat and gatherings offer. Each one of these women has been magical. Spending a large portion of five days with them has brought up so much in my own desire to continue gathering and sharing. Each single one has enriched me these past few days with the element of JOY. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. I haven't felt so free in many years. I have had silly moments and enchanting ones that leave the state of wonder to experience those things that have no explanation.We are all magnets. We attract that which we are at the moment of thought and conscious choices. I love my wacky unicorn-riding folks who aren't afraid of being themselves. I love the ones who say what they think, and think what they say with depth and laughter. We are a tribe. We love together. We cry together. We question our paths but, without judgment, pull and push each other down the rocky roads. It's part of our humanness to attract the good. It's all so good here. Right now it's all that needs to be without the element of restriction or expectations. It's just perfect to be part of something so ecstatic.At this age I am not getting older...I am getting playful, deeper, and acquiring a no-bullshit attitude. Life is too short. Enjoy it. Live inJOY! Attract the best of the best who vibrate on your frequency. Yeah! I want nothing less. The best treat you can give yourself is being fully present in a diverse group of souls. You get to learn from each other what works and what doesn't. I remember when I was part of the retreat center and folks would come to do their retreats. I would speak to people who would mention that they weren't getting anything. I would stay quiet and think, "Oh, but wait till you get home!" There is no timing to reach emotional breakthroughs. Sometimes you must really get out of yourself to feel the difference. And, other times you just have nothing that needs to come up. But, when it does, it becomes the catalyst to something greater than the self. If you allow for those shifts you can feel the gratitude later on in weeks ahead.To those magical women who shared deeply this week...thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. Thank you for so much fun and bliss. I love you all!Please check out our new page for living consciously through joy: