I Don't Have to Know You to Really Feel For You

believe-in-yourselfI don't know you, personally. I don't have to in order to feel your pain when you feel lost. I don't have to know your story to understand that you feel broken and shattered. You feel alone and depleted. I recognize the fake smile, the "I'm fine" comment, and the gestures that arrive when you are hiding something because of guilt or shame. It's universal. It is not just English. It's Spanish, French, Arabic, Italian, and every other form of dialect in the world. The echoes in your soul are transparently opened to another who is feeling the same way. I know you. I might not be able to touch you, but I know when I see someone holding on to the edge of a rope next to the end of their life...begging to be saved. I know that look, that blank stare of frustration, that only someone who has been there recognizes. There is little hope, and I know that too. You aren't the only soul to have a bad week, a horrible month, and a frustrating year. This is all crappy sometimes. It's not an easy job to be in this human race.

I'm here to remind you that you are playing a game that's created by your own programming. You are not a victim of your circumstances. You are the creator of those challenges in a subconscious level that requires some amazing awareness. Your sense of loss is very real but you get to decide if you stay holding on to the rope, let go into faith, and soar above everything else without certainty. It's simply that easy. And, yes, faith can't be seen, and at times, it can't even feel real. It is a matter of trusting something other than yourself. It's feeling the awesomeness of the universe holding you up...it's waiting to catch you once you let go.I don't have to know what you feel. I don't even need to be in your presence to understand that you require a shift in perception. You require a change of scenery. You need to abandon this moment of chaos and give yourself a break. Just do it!Go for a walk. Go stand under a tree. Go talk to the clouds, to a friend, to your dog, or to anyone. Go chase a sunset and welcome a sunrise. You got to distance yourself from the drama of what seems to engulf this sadness. Cause, darling, there is always a way out without thinking of checking out. There is always a person who can adjust your sails and send you back on course. Reach out! You are not alone with this devastation of loss and hopelessness. I promise you that!!!You are love. You are divinity dressed in this freaking magnificent human form. You can create anything you want...but first you must believe in YOU. Believe in every cell that consists of your physical body, every emotion that has created your spirit, and every aspect that has brought you right here, right now. Go be the most amazing form of you the world is yet to witness....! You've seen some spectacular things in your life (some not so great). We've all have...but keep going cause the best days are still ahead for you!