The Eruption

There is a silenceof all things unsaiduntil nowwhen the unsaid eruptedleaving us feeling new,fresh, and honest.I haven't lived on this mountainwith you like thiswithout avoidingthe volcanic eruptions.I avoided it all for too long.I fear it was always brewing underneath us.Now I feel like wemust get to know these new souls,naked and raw and vulnerablenavigating the strangenessof all disastersthat bring a union in the end.I will climb with you,dig for our belongings,just to bethe partner you deserve.I've got the ropes,the shovels,the bags for debris,and I am willing toplant ourselves in a non-threatening is not with the mind.Love is with all the heart,feelings and knowingthat require illogical living.I am ready for you.I am ready for us.