Recognizing Your Worth Through Others

worthyA little over a month ago I met a man through a friend for counseling and a reading on my specific roles and capabilities. He sat across from me with a bunch of charts, reports, and research for my human design. In his findings I came to see who I am and what I do, the things that need adjustments and many other components to my personality. I was able to recognize what truly moves me and makes me tick. I was able to understand what isn't working for me as I enter my second act in life. As he moved from diagram to information I was taken aback by his sadness. He lost his husband a few months ago, the love of his life, and this man was very present in our meeting. I reached over to him, touched his hand, and told him that his partner was proud of him and how he's moving on. I expressed that his life was still in turmoil but it wouldn't always stay like this. I don't know what else I might have said because the message was for him and not for me to remember. His eyes watered. Part of my human design shows my heighten intuition and he brought the message back to that awareness and how I needed to work from that place of "feeling and knowing." He witnessed how I can shut everything around me and just go with messages from beyond without filtering.But here is the thing: we fake things like actors in a role. We move through life with dramatic presence while hiding behind a facade. We hide behind our hurt and brokenness. We cover emotions extremely well. Or, do we? Who are we fooling? Our emotions bleed through other parts of our psyche and body. His emotions, especially anger and hurt, were evident at that moment. For me it is easier to decipher messages from Spirit when I know nothing of that person. At that moment I felt his despair and the need to just hold on tighter to his feelings until we were finished. I was overwhelmed by his tenacity in holding it together...and I am sure he does a great job at not sharing his most intimate thoughts, especially with a total stranger.  This is the double edge sword of sensitivity. Feelings have a way of regressing, progressing and digressing. Loss is not something we can tuck away without facing it. It requires visitations, accepting and releasing. This lovely man might "know" this on a metaphysical level, but we are humans and, as emotional creatures, those things can be faked...up to a level. Emotions can be controlled on the surface, but by no means, will they remain hidden.A few weeks later I walked into a store and I bumped into this man. He did not recognize me. He couldn't pinpoint how he knew me. I had to remind him of weeks prior and his scientific findings on my human design. He immediately said, "Oh my, you look softer and lighter." I hugged him, thanking him for a huge awareness in my life. Things have taken a 360 degree turn with me. I still don't know what my future holds in terms of profession and purpose, but I no longer need to think obsessively about it. Thinking is not part of my architectural design. I told him that in his research of my personality, I realized that when I move through my "feelings and knowing" things always work out. My intuition and emotions guide me to the right path. It's been a HUGE sense of freedom in recognizing why things get blocked when I start to "think." I needed to get out of my head ASAP because things were being affected around me. He smiled and was moved with deep gratitude. Then we shared a few other things and tears began to fall quickly. He was grieving that day. He had no intention of leaving his house. Yet, he went to this little book store near downtown Asheville and found that the universe had an appointment for him. I had never been to that store and stopped that day to meet friends. I was there to remind him of his worth, greatness, and profound purpose in helping others. I love when the Divine plans these beautiful meet-ups. It never fails to remind me of how I love to be led by synchronicity and serendipity. Our state of emotional connection with ourselves and others is magical. I have had many encounters with others when I've needed a pick-me-up. We are worth more than what we believe in ourselves. In those encounters with strangers I needed to hear and feel what they said at the perfect timing. This man did too. He has forever changed the way I perceive who I am and what I am doing here. Using his techniques and becoming aware of my emotional and physical bodies has allowed me to stand firmer in my truth.Divine intervention is a magnificent source of love. It will guide us to find purpose and worth. It will force us to see who we are when we don't believe in ourselves. May you find someone on your path today who can remind you of your presence and importance in this world. And, may it be an angel just like this man has been for me. Have a blessed day!