You Cannot Make Everyone Happy

14907084_1267290133329842_9187200766452389432_nIt's Sunday...yay! Most people go to church on this sacred day. Others, like myself, sit outside in nature and give thanks for all we have. This week I have seen some difficult shit on social media. My love-hate relationship with social media is ongoing and disturbing. Just when I think I have someone figured out they post something that is really ignorant or against my beliefs. And, that's more than okay because I have two choices: I can feel gratitude for their lessons, or get angry and disconnect from them. I rarely ever do the latter. I think people come into our lives for powerful reasons, to nourish the things we like and the things we don't want to become. We have choices in perception that bleed through our conscious efforts to vibrate at a higher or lower level of existence. (The non-hippies should stop reading now!)You cannot make everyone happy. I rarely read comments on other sites, but when something moves me I think, "Hey, let me see what others like me are saying about this incredible post." Oh my freaking gawd! I get turned upside down, right side up, and appalled at how something that is spiritually enriching can be degraded, criticized and scrutinized. That's when I throw my hands up in the air and recognize that you cannot make the world happy with one thought. We need different ideas and opinions. We would be a boring bunch if we all thought alike. Right?My mother used to say in Spanish all the time that opinions were like colors. There would always be endless amount of them. No two folks can think alike. We can tweak and twist what we like from others. The challenge comes in not allowing another's opinions and criticism hurt your mojo and state of awareness. You cannot change anyone. You are only responsible for you!On this magical Sunday, go out into the world and recognize that you cannot and will not make every single person think like you. I see fairies at night. I see dead people walking among others. If another person doesn't see what I see I don't go around thinking, "How can you not see them, you idiot?" I simply smile and recognize that this is who I am. They have other gifts that nourish me. Your only job in this world is to be authentic with who you are. Don't try to be the jack-ass whisperer and change someone else's thoughts and ideas. You need to make you happy. Live by example.Recognize YOUR greatness and follow that. You don't have to read what I write anymore than I have to agree with what you post. It's okay. We all need a good laugh!!!!Have a blessed day!