We need to move into light...

moving-lightIt is such a privilege to share on social media. I have met amazing folks, like-minded-spiritual individuals, who have raised me to all sorts of goodies in optimism. I continue to have a love-hate relationship with Facebook due to the constant flow of negativity. I am not on Instagram or other forms of media. I have had people enter my life through my blog and The Master Shift site while making this journey a more delicious one. I am blessed beyond words for these people who have shared their lives and continue to inspire me. I thank you for that. But, apparently I am not a good judge of character. I see the world with rainbow-colored lenses. I give everyone a chance and the benefit of the doubt. I welcome the world with open arms as if saying, “Here, sit down, let's become friends...let's just fall in love with one another! I want to hear all about you right now in this moment.” I have added people in my friends' list that should not be there: negative, gossipy, sexual predators and other low-energy individuals. I have deleted some folks because my frequency is definitely not aligning with theirs and vice versa.Last year at this time I went through a huge awareness of who I wanted in my life. It was the first time in all the years that I was on social media that Spirit nudged with an urgency to clean up the list (to clean up all that does not have my best intentions at heart). It was hard to delete. There were some important characters who had taught me about my value (and the lack of). It was crucial to set folks lose. If I've done it in my personal life with loved ones, while setting healthy boundaries, then I also had to do it on social media. This is the heartache of putting ourselves out there, sharing with all. This is the paradox of writing from the heart and wanting to keep it all inside. Vulnerability can be the rawest form of shame and disrespect if it's not used in a loving fashion. And, I try to find a balance with what I can and should not put out for the world to witness. I also thought that if these folks really wanted to read my writings they could go to my several pages on FB and this blog. My personal page is for those who are in my frequency: the dreamers, the lovers, the mystical mischief, the ones searching for answers and expressing their words (cause let's face it...I am a lover of words and emotions). These are the folks that share and cheer one another. These are the friends who partake in the most ridiculous of humor and also in the serious moments when vulnerability has spilled out of one another. You all rock! We are here to inspire one another. We are here to pull each others' hairs back when we have to vomit emotions and heartache, when the world is beating us down and when too much becomes insufferable.My blogging experience began five years ago. I have met some incredibly delightful people who have become family. I have also encountered my share of not-so-nice folks who I have accepted and let go of. I learn more from those people than they can imagine. But, I am in a point in my life that I will not entertain anything or anyone but loving souls. I am fortunate to really attract love...and I don't see those few folks as anything but magnificent teachers. I have learned boundaries in the most mystical ways in the past few years. I have no problem deleting crap out of my life. 2016 has been one of the the most extraordinary teaching years in my life. It has been a year of complete transformation and metamorphosis. I have witnessed my strengths, weaknesses, and the fracturing of my heart to then see the light breaking through. I have deleted old belief systems, taken full responsibility for my drama, and experienced an openness with Divinity that I cannot verbally express. I thought 2015 had taught me a lot about friendships and love...but no way. This year has pushed the envelope. I think one of the words that kept coming up this year was "integrity." I have learned it via different forms. It has clearly been a magnificent year turning all the "I cannot's" into freaking "I can's." There are no words! I cannot imagine another time like this one. It has also been a year of blessings, including the finalization of adoption for our little girl (which took 2-1/2 years from the moment we got her until she became legally ours). I have seen some incredible and wondrous things this year...and usually alone in the middle of the night staring at the sky while the world is asleep. I am embracing 2017 with such openness and giddiness. I am manifesting some huge changes in my professional life. I am shifting the mentality from "shit, another freaking year" to "this is the year of abundance and delicious blessings." I have been standing on the edge of creation for several months whispering into the unknown and it's finally time to go after all that I desire.I have decided that this is how I want my social media pages to be: lifting me up while sharing love and light. I am not here to belittle anyone. This is my blog and not one person is required to read my words. No one has to stay here. I only want the souls who can understand that we carry each other home, lifting the heartache and the joyous times to a different level. I try to be as optimistic as possible. I always give from my heart even when I am having a shitty day. But, I am still very much a person with ego and insecurities. I am still learning to release all the baggage. I am definitely not a complete spiritual sage and never ever pretended to be. I don't know much but I know how to love. People will troll others and there will always be negativity. I am careful not to hurt others...and have truly learned to shield myself from the best facades out there. We still have work to do in this world. We still need to raise frequencies and vibration into a state of oneness and love. The hippie in me acknowledges the hippie in you and when we meet it's always like coming home. We are required to be the best spiritual warriors next year. There is massive changes ahead full of abundance in all levels. But, we must shed the crap of attachments and negativity. That will not do in the next coming months. We are required to release fear and accept diversities and differences.I believe we create our journeys and our yummy futures. We either stay in a toxic cycle or we get out. We either continue repeating the same things over and over with the desire of a different result, or completely change everything in the way. If it's not working...it needs to stop! It's that easy. I refuse to have people in my life that do not have my best intention in their hearts. It's that simple. Like I said, it's a privilege to be in each others' lives. It's magical. It's fun. It's a chord of truth, lessons, and authentic power that pulls and pushes us when we need someone to get us out of our dark moments. So many things always happen behind the scenes and this medium of communication can be used to lift and help many.I am putting it out into the universe that 2017 will bring even more angels into my life. I am seeing them arriving daily. I am placing the intention that I will get to write their stories so we can learn from one another. It's imperative. We need a massive conscious shift. I have been way too airy fairy in allowing people who don't deserve to be in my stories. But, at the same time I am grateful for those lessons. I now know who has my back and who absolutely just doesn't deserve my attention. And, may you also distinguish these things in your own personal life.To you all...I love you. May the next year bring you all that you deserve. Stand firm in your convictions. Stand tall in your truth. You owe no one an explanation who only cares to gossip and make you seem like the antagonist in their stories. Let's continue to move into light. You got this. We all got this!