On Being an Empath

strong-fragile-heartI had a doctor appointment today...a follow up from the hospital. The doctor was explaining a murmur in my heart that I've had since I was a child. He insisted in drawing a picture of the valve not closing all the time...blah blah blah. He went into a lot of technical medical terminology that went right over my head. I had that look of numbness so he stopped being a doctor.He was very kind with his words. He said that I have the lungs of a teenager and the heart of a strong woman. He looked at me with the sweetest blue eyes and said, "You have a strong-fragile heart so we have to be cautious of what we put in your body."I chewed on those words the rest of the morning: "Strong-fragile heart." Yes..that! I have that...that which I think can't break but is always at the edge of fracturing even with being strong. That...yes...that was clearly the best description of how I feel most of the time...all my feelings, and emotions gathered at the edge of strength and then struggling in vulnerability because I was taught to, "Suck it up, Buttercup!"There...right there in the opening and closing of valves and whatever else mechanism I have in there. Just wanted to share that because most of us here who are empaths have strong-fragile hearts.You are constantly right on that edge...pulling back and pushing forward. You are barely standing and breathing but you manage to keep it up. You are always feeling as if one minute is too much to open and close into another.But you do it. You do it cause you are freaking awesome and strong and filled with faith and compassion. I have never had a doctor explain things in such simple manners that left me thanking the universe for the beauty of connecting with someone.Thank you for being in my life, sweet strong-fragile souls. I love you. Touch that ticker and feel the life in it. Let it do its strong-fragile thingy to the best of its ability. You got this!