
You ask how I feelwhenever I reach that pointof loosing myself,forgetting who I am,in some sort of amnesiatraveling some place far away. I cannot answer.There are few wordsthat can paint the landscapewhen I go on this journeythrough an expanse tour of spirit. In a moment of raptureI find the path back homepicking up the bread crumbsI left for my returnbut when I get there,just as I open up the doorto heaven,I get pulled right back to you. Euphoria is like that…some blissful moment in timeof forgetting impatience,tolerating mistakes,and hungering for peacein a few secondswhen the heart and mindfind each other ina balanced equalityembraced by mysticism. Let me come and goin those momentsof yes and no,of highs and lows,and let me findmy return homewithout the questions,or the interrogations,or the suggestions… let me find myselfwithin myselfand let me embracethe freedom of my soul.