Your Eye from Heaven

The moon peeks through the window --one eye opened to the world.I close mine, put a thumb over the lightand it disappears as I think of youon the other side of the Universedoing exactly the same, smilingat my childlike gestures.I switch hands,winking quickly,blocking the light with me,manipulating it to go left,right and back to youpretending to play ping-pongthrough the cosmos.I caress the left side of the bed,white sheets illuminating the emptinessas bright as the moon.Where would we be on such a nightif we could magically reunitethrough this place and there?Would you be here or, I,on the other side of wonderland?I open both eyes,focus on the shadows of trees,the wind blowing gently,water dancing to thetwinkles of midnight diamonds.I miss you in my lack of sleep,the energy from gravitational pull,the anxiety from dead memories,but thoughts pour outthrough carefully chosen tearsradiating from Eternity,masquerading as your touchon my hands and cheeks.Every month I search for youwhile following the giant eyein the night sky.Every so often clouds form closureand I find you winking from thatother place you now call home.