Second Chances for Life 

I woke up to the sound of a little girl calling for me and then hiding when I went into her room. Her giggles made me giggle. We sat and watched Sophia the First for a bit talking about dreams and tea parties.As I sat her on my lap I began to recall this day three years ago. It was the day I recognized the real meaning of existence. I would like to share something profound but it isn't available...just a "knowing" that we are the true essence of love. Life has a way of taking you to the edges and forcing you to fly without a parachute. I was born again on a snowy day in Asheville. For weeks and months I kept asking why I was given another chance. Months later we received this little bundle of joy that has me waking up giggling at times. At other times reminding that I haven't a clue of what it is to partake in this Human Business. Cause isn't that what makes us so interesting? The belief that we know things...but we don't. Isn't life gran? I am not that same person I was when I woke in the ER. I am not the same person I was last year. We are never ever the same people we were yesterday. We evolve. We move on. We allow dreams to take us to the places that require nudging. We are forced to let go and participate in challenges that make us better and stronger. At least I hope that is what you are allowing yourself to witness. I hope you are brave enough to follow those things that make you sing. I hope you are honest enough to forget those who you have allowed to stump your growth in moving forward. I hope you forgive the actors in your dramatic play, but mostly forgive yourself for being what you didn't know. We are programmed from very young to believe what others tell us to believe. It's your responsibility to take charge of You and only YOU. It's time you step into your greatness without the traumas and victimization modes. This life is a precious commodity. It's an outstanding privilege. I would never have imagined at that very moment of impact with death that I would be where I am today and those who have entered my existence, especially a pint size teacher who can belch out "Let it Go...Let it Go..." while mixing it with "Santa Claus is coming to town."Have a blessed day. Birth yourself in the light of divinity. Recognize that forgiveness sets you free. YOU got this! You are the love that you keep waiting on. Stop putting your life on hold. It's time to let go and fly.Mucho love ~ Millie