Amongst Me


 Here                          I amthe answers to some of your hidden world.I can offerdestitution,certainty,compassion,grace,hope,love… unconditional and forever. You are not aloneamongst me                and the outer layersof my passionate heart.I am debatingwith the no’sexpecting the anguishto turn everything to the way things were before we metbut they can’t             you made a huge indentionin the way I now perceive life. Let it goand find the answers to your own yes…they are all thereinside your carefully guarded heartawaiting your spirit to come and joinand embrace Divinity with complete assurance. Secrets of the heartcome            and      golike water falling into a streamwithout hesitation,without force – things just are what they areonce you surrender…once you cease control. I can avoid us              if that’s what you really want.I can leave from this,but,I can’t run from me        or my certaintiesof all the yesesonly because you can’t reach that in yourself –I know my truth… I see your light,you are amongst menow     and      then    tirelessly.