The Me Without You

lovers departingThere was youbefore everything...trapped in a drawer of memoriesthat has been moved ferociouslyfrom one spot to anothertrying to find a light thatcan shine common senseon it. Then,there wasn't you anymore.And life has moved onwithout a single wink,blink or sense of human loss. The sun still came out.The moon still hung around.The seas never parted.The earth never fell apart. No one noticed how thisprofound lack of lovehas affected the world. Life has gone on without a traceof us.There was youwhen there wasa YOU. There was me before I knew losswhen the tingling of truth,passion and desiretouchedthe core of my existence. I have begged consciousnessto remind me where I placed those contentsI removed from that drawer long ago.Now there are fragmentsof usscattered in limboin between here and therelingering for a connection. Will we ever get it right,this simple thingthat reminds us of what's missing?Will we ever do it rightrhythmically, at the same time,without the detours that haveerased the path to each other? You were home.You are the embodimentthat housed my essence.Life has proceeded.The me without you is still here.Waiting...Sighing...Breathing...Tic...Toc... For a miraclethat would return my soulto the me without youso I can once again...exhale without a small reminderof YOUand the usbefore I ever vanished.