Rise Above 

I've made some difficult decisions lately as I had to be true to what my soul was expressing. I have spent a lifetime avoiding my desires while feeling guilt and shame for another. Do I do this? Do I do that? What if I do this, will it affect this person? Oh...it's just easier to do that which feels right. It's time to be authentic to what I will or will not do. And it's magical. It's important to remember the stories of past events and return to the present with full awareness of the lessons. Virginia Woolf said, “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” Life needs to be acknowledged in its complete presence. It needs the wisdom of time, gratitude for each breath, and love for each connection. If you allow it, life will break you and then stitch those parts into a more remarkable being. When you let life guide without the fears of the unknown, through faith and trust, it will give you everything you have wanted and more…while being fully present with joy. This is the adventure. We are who we are because of the stories from the past. It's in recognizing what we care to do with joy and what we won't tolerate any longer that the magic begins to create through fairy dust particles of miracles. Things open up to align with your gifts and wishes. Every road into memories and events allows us to figure out where we came from and how we got here. It becomes an unconscious clearing in mind, body and spirit.Allow yourself to feel alive in those solitary moments when the reminder of living is magnified. Give your soul permission to visit and revisit the parts of you that need mending. Then may you return to the present with a full understanding of how awesome you are! Be embraced by Divinity!Rise, darling! Rise to your soul's yearning. Become all that you are meant to be but have forgotten for some time. ~ Millie