The Return

 photo (3)Something wokeagainafter a long sleep of doubts,anger, hurt and questionsthat buried meinside an open tomb,leaving the exposure to healwith the openness of One.I had forgotten my power,the thoughts that co-createwith the universal aid of intentions;those same delicious frequenciesthat magically take me here and there.I had forgottenwaking up with such joythat I skip out of my roomwhile bones crack and stretchreminding me to slow down.I don't care.This is the meaning of living.This is the ebb of sorrow and joytaking it all and pasting it back togetherwithout giving up.It's easier to give in,give out, give up, and forget.No more!I have been sleeping in such darknessfor too long and allowing no oneto turn on the light.I needed to feel the switch,pass my hands through its coldness,in the rawness of despair,so I could turn it I could do it alone.Clarity arrives with rest and prayer.Awareness returns with faith.I hear the ringing of truth in one ear.I see the element of surprise ahead.I taste the juices of excitement.I smell the sweetness of success...for all that I have put out into the openness.I've returned.I am home in me again.It's been a long time...too long.The heart echos softly, “Welcome back!”