What we give power to

I wore thin black socks today with my boots. I normally wear thick fuzzy colorful socks. These socks kept sliding down my shoe. I was very aware the entire work day of this irritation. I can't count the times I would pull them up and out over the top of the boots. Those socks became the only thing that was a bitchy nag in my boots and in my thoughts. And, just like that we allow other thoughts to control us. How many times don't we fight against what doesn't work the way it should? I could have taken the socks off this morning and just worn my boots at work, or walked around barefooted in my office. Those were choices I could have made. I didn't! I thought about it. Every time I bent to grab them and tie my boots I thought about what I wanted to do with them when I got home. But, the problem was not at home. The problem was hugging my feet, bothering my patience. Nothing more persistent than being conscious of discomfort.I drove home exasperated by the socks and thought about all the things I give power to with my thoughts. We give away our power to socks, problems, obstacles and people. We put up with the issues rather than remove them because we think they will get better. But, when you find yourself over and over pulling at things, aggravated by the annoyance, and pissed off...folks, it is time to get rid of it. I don't care what it is...just find a way to solve the discomfort the quickest way. Life is full of slippery socks, tight shoes, and an array of crap that rub us the wrong way. STOP! Stop the moment those things become too much while forcing the situation to fit into our perception and acceptance. Screw it! If the sock doesn't fit...get rid of it. If the obstacle can't be molded, look for an alternative. We aren't meant to suffer over stupid crap. These are the toxic things that make us sick. Even ruin our peace of mind. I wasted a perfectly gorgeous day pulling a piece of material up on my leg. And for what? Really!?Got home, took the socks and threw them in the trash. No point in keeping something that will continue to irritate and piss me off with every step. Now...you...go get rid of those parts that destroy your peace of mind.