The Cage

 He clutched my heart,held it as a possession,while I realized it was the onlysubstance of keeping us there –the togetherness beyondthe understandingand disturbance in such obsession.It was our lifelinebinding and supporting a mystery,a lesson,and a difficult experience.Impatience and immaturitycalled for the ecstasythat would bring in high’s,drugging and filling mewith such blinding addiction.It wasn’t the moments,nor the times,or what the body desired,craving over and overto fill the emptinesswith sweet desperation.It was a tight grip that securedthe chemistry in our question mark--I was the mark and he was the period:two souls joined in a falsified passionbut held apart by the realitythat this would never end in fairness.To love so deeply requiresthe loosing of one’s vulnerability,entrusting the universe to take overwith easement.Somewhere, somehow, I knewit would never lastas he became my lungsand I could no longer breatheon my own.Control and restrainthave no businesstaking residence in such a union,occupying a broken heartand trying to repeat the same dramaof past manipulation.He was the clutch that invited me to giveand I was the ground that supportedhim to receive.It was a mutual contractbetween us:I played the ailing patient,he was the willing doctorwho would fix the damage,trying to erase the existenceof any other man who hadexplored my territory.The moments were here and there.At some pointthe soul opened up, grew wings,and flew out of the adorned cagethat he cautiously created for me.Once freed,the heart, wisdom, and spiritfound the freedomthat would never allow imprisonmentagain…it was then that divinity unlockedthe secretthat love is never contained,or possessedbecause it is all there is.It is all there will ever be.