Authenticity of You 

I had a conversation the other day with someone about consciousness. This woman was a little judgmental in regards to receiving "messages" from another realm. I explained to her that our souls are always in knowing mode but we, as human alterations, block the messages. Call it intuition, whispers from God, or whatever. We have an inner guidance that lets us know when and where we need to be. She wouldn't budge. And, it's not my place to sell something that is free. I don't have all the answers but I have my own experiences. You can only express from your perspective and I am not responsible for her.I have fallen outside of consciousness several times in my life. During these moments I haven't had the awareness of my human factors. I don't know anything but truth. A little of this also happens during meditation. But the last time it was profoundly evident was three years ago when it truly showed me how easy it is to detach from human ego. There is no chain holding us in the body. There is no vault holding us tightly to this costume. Consciousness and the soul move out quickly. I have had the privilege to be around others when they die and it's just a blink of an eye. It happens in a way that our timing and perception cannot gather or comprehend. To fall outside of this consciousness has allowed me to see things in a different light. I realize how much I avoided in my life.I was afraid of everything. I was paralyzed by anxiety and judgment for anyone thinking that I was nuts. I couldn't step outside of my truth and I became a prisoner within guarded relationships who reminded me I was possibly insane. These were placed in my life for security by no one other than me. As long as I knew I couldn't step outside of my authenticity no one could reject me. Imagine the injustice I created for over 40 years? What an amazing time wasted in worrying about others instead of living my truth.I share this because I know so many who are falling in and out of consciousness and feel the claws of insanity judging them. You owe yourself full respect, love and acknowledgment. You don't owe anyone your stories, your trial and tribulations, or apologies with excuses for being you. Be quirky. Be whimsical. Be outrageous. Be freaking full of love. You will never make every single person happy. That's very improbable. But, you can make yourself content by being you. If that looks like a hippie, a psychic, a religious fanatic, an artist, a musician, a homeless man, Superman, Wonder Woman, or whatever...that's your choice. When you finally embrace all your qualities, greatness, and magnificence...oh my God! you will be in a place of freedom. Be happy with you. You are here to live out truth. Fear arrives when we stop ourselves from consciousness by adhering to everyone's demands. Stop asking for permission from society. Go achieve your greatness. And, if you lose people along your freedom...well...they were lessons. Let them go. Let yourself go too!May you all have a happy and peaceful week. Love to all!