Surprise in the season

Spring is here in full bloom. Green buds occupy the yard on every tree creating a sense of magic. We've moved to the city. Yesterday allowed me to close a powerful chapter in my life. Having lived on a mountain for almost 7 years I was ready. Our yard is a blank canvas full of possibilities and the flowers blooming are enticing me to finish putting things away, get settled into this new life, and head outside.As a child my mother did not like me going out and getting dirty. I was one of those kids that loved to make mud pies and dig in the dirt. I was always the black sheep of the family, the one who danced to her own tunes which no one ever heard. I was the one who would speak to anyone, make friends with the garbage man and the utility folks. But, fear always lurked in the distance due to a family that has always been rather reserved and afraid of stepping into the unknown. I feel for them because they are missing out on the joys of serendipity and spontaneity. They are not allowing their natural state of being to direct them to feel the earth within themselves.Now, at this moment, I sit in my new nook and office staring outside. The landscape is filling up. Each morning the trees birth more leaves. Flowers give out the fragrance of memories. The skies are lovelier. Sunrises and sunsets have purples and pinks. The breeze is softer. The earth is enriched with such ease. I am always surprised by this time of year in North Carolina. We don't have significant changing of seasons in Florida. So, this to me, around my birthday, always feels like a giant gift from the universe.Birth is here. It's all around us. It's within us. All we have to do is step out of our little dramas and notice the beauty of this season. It's time for mud pies, gardening, creating and nesting. It's that time of year that draws me outward and allows for me to relief for all that winter had me endure.May you continue growing just like the trees, leaves, flowers, grass, and nature around you. Find the its rhythm and follow that. It's magical and mystical. It's why we are here. Nothing to change, nothing to force, nothing to do but allow things to move in their Divine order. Breathe...deeply with love and compassion.Have a great week, darlings! Make it sparkly, glittery, and yummilicious...Millie